The Leneta Leveling Test Blade (LTB-2) for ASTM D4062-11 is a threaded stainless steel rod. Manufactured by PG&T, it functions as a grooved doctor blade at any part of its circumference. It produces a film with parallel ridges and valleys in simulation of brush marks. The LTB-2 advantages over brush-out application tests are speed, reproducibility, and a regular surface pattern. The leveling of films applied in this manner correlates well with brush-out leveling, thereby providing a reliable means for evaluating this property
The Leveling Test Blade (LTB-2) has alternating clearances of 300 and 100 µm (12 and 4 mils), to apply alternate stripes of 150 and 50 µm (6 and 2 mils) thickness. Thus the mean wet film thickness of the test draw-down will be about 100 µm (4 mils), corresponding to a spreading rate of 10 m²/L (400 ft²/gal)